Ichigo Sustainability Promotion
Ichigo’s Governance Structure to Promote Sustainability
Ichigo has made sustainability a key business and social priority as a responsible corporate citizen.
Ichigo’s President has oversight over Ichigo’s sustainability initiatives pursuant to the Ichigo Code of Corporate Ethics and Ichigo Sustainability Policy set by the Board of Directors.

Ichigo has made addressing climate change a key business priority, and has established the ReGeneration Group, directly under the CEO and with the CEO and Executive Vice President/COO as its leaders, to drive Ichigo’s group-wide sustainability initiatives. The CEO reports the progress of Ichigo’s measures aimed at addressing climate change to the Board of Directors.
Sustainability Meetings
Led by the ReGeneration Group, Sustainability Meetings are held at least once every three months to discuss measures aimed at addressing climate change and monitor progress, and the CEO reports the progress to the Board of Directors.
Sustainability Management Initiatives
To increase awareness of sustainability management within the company, Ichigo’s sustainability initiatives and targets are made known to all directors and employees by the ReGeneration Group. Training sessions focused on sustainability are held once a year, and the progress of sustainability initiatives and targets are shared within the company.