Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, 2337 Ichigo

ESG ESG Sustainability

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Science Based Targets (SBT)

Ichigo’s Science Based Targets (SBT), greenhouse gas reduction targets set by companies in line with the Paris Agreement goals, have been certified by the SBT Initiative.
Ichigo’s targets are aligned with a rate of decarbonization consistent to keep global temperature increase to 1.5℃ compared to pre-industrial temperatures, which is more aggressive than the well-below 2℃
(WB2℃) target.

Ichigo's Certified Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

 The table below can be scrolled left to right.

Target Target year
Scope 1 Direct emissions owned or controlled by a company 70% Reduction
(2022 base year)
Scope 2 Indirect emissions associated with
the purchase of electricity, heat, cooling
Scope 3 Indirect emissions that are not Scope 1 or 2 
(emissions by third-party companies
related to a company's business activities
25% Reduction
(2022 base year)

Ichigo's SBT cover greenhouse gas emissions by Ichigo and its listed J-REITs and solar power producer, Ichigo Office (8975), Ichigo Hotels (3463), and Ichigo Green (9282).

SBT Overview

SBT  are greenhouse gas reduction targets set by companies covering a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years in line with the Paris Agreement goals of reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions to keep the global temperature increase to 1.5℃ compared to pre-industrial temperatures, and Scope 3 emissions to well-below 2℃ .
SBT were jointly established by the CDP (a global non-profit organization that runs the world's environmental disclosure system with respect to climate, water, and forestry), UNGC (United Nations Global Compact), WRI (World Resources Institute), and WWF (World Wildlife Fund).
