Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, 2337 Ichigo

Social Media Policy

Ichigo has established this social media policy with respect to its corporate social media accounts.

1. Social Media Engagement

Ichigo engages in social media responsibly, recognizing that any information posted on social media is accessible to a broad audience and cannot be completely erased once posted.

  • Ichigo strictly complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and in line with its Code of Corporate Ethics, adheres to related social standards and its internal rules.
  • Ichigo pays close attention to user feedback and proactively posts content to create a positive user experience.
  • Ichigo takes special care when creating and posting social media content to avoid providing inaccurate information and any misunderstandings.
  • Ichigo adheres to third-party social media rules and respects their respective cultures and manners.
  • Ichigo respects third-party intellectual property and privacy rights, and avoids defamatory statements.

2. User Guidelines

  • Given the nature of social media, the accuracy and completeness of information posted on social media are not guaranteed. Please refer to Ichigo’s website and releases for official Ichigo announcements.
  • Information posted on social media is as of the date of posting, and may be subject to change at any time.
  • Posts made on social media other than an official Ichigo account by a related party of Ichigo or any party claiming to be Ichigo may not reflect the views of Ichigo.
  • Please note that Ichigo may quote user comments posted on its social media accounts.
  • Please note that Ichigo may not respond to user comments posted on its social media accounts.

Please refer to the Ichigo Personal Information Protection Policy regarding the protection of personal information.

Please contact us regarding this Social Media Policy or Ichigo’s social media use via the Contact page on our website.