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Ichigo's Code of Corporate Ethics

Ichigo's Code of Corporate Ethics is a code of conduct and set of fundamental values that we share at Ichigo. The Code is at the heart of our daily business operations and behavior.

Ichigo’s Board of Directors reviews the effectiveness of this Code regularly and makes revisions, as appropriate.

1. Respect Human Rights

We respect and support human rights globally and work to prevent and eliminate any and all discrimination and infringement of human rights. We protect and support the rights of children and contribute to creating a prosperous future for them.

2. Build Trust

We fully recognize our social responsibilities and work to earn trust from society through sound business operations and a strong, shared ethic of self-responsibility.

3. Respect Clients and Business Partners

We recognize that we exist based upon the satisfaction and trust of our clients and strive to provide the best products and services tailored to our clients and business partners' needs.

4. Respect Local Communities

We respect and listen to local communities and value their diversity and distinctive strengths, histories, and traditions. We work hand-in-hand with communities to address their needs, support their ongoing vibrancy, and contribute to building strong communities for future generations.

5. Respect Employees

We strive to maintain and enhance our corporate vitality and respect the character and diverse personalities of our employees. We are committed to a work environment that ensures fair treatment for all. We comply with Japan’s minimum wage laws and protect the livelihoods of our employees.

6. Preserve the Environment

We preserve our shared global environment and support a more sustainable society by working to decrease our environmental impacts, prevent pollution, reduce energy and resource consumption, and support biodiversity.

7. Manage Transparently and Prudently

We maintain appropriate and balanced relationships with our clients and stakeholders, and disclose management information in a fair and timely manner. We focus on transparent and prudent corporate management and efficient operations.

8. Strict Compliance

We strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations, rules, and social mores, internal rules, and act fairly and faithfully to fulfill our social responsibilities.

9. Combat Anti-Social Forces

We firmly act against anti-social forces which threaten social order and security.

This Code is effective as of November 17, 2005 (revised: March 29, 2021).