Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, 2337 Ichigo

Company Company Company

Ichigo Owners

Client-First Real Estate Investment Services

Ichigo Owners provides real estate, real estate products, and real estate consulting services to clients, including companies, owners of real estate, ships, planes, and pension funds, and individual and institutional investors. Leveraging Ichigo’s real estate know-how and value-add capabilities, Ichigo Owner’s offers solutions tailored to the diverse investment needs of clients, putting clients first and building long-term relationships.


Name Ichigo Owners

Marunouchi Park Building 20F, 2-6-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6920

Established March 1, 2017
Paid-In Capital 110 million yen
Major Shareholder Ichigo Inc. 100%

Real estate owner services

Registrations & Licenses Real Estate Business, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (2) registration #100428
Joint Real Estate Ventures, Tokyo Metropolitan Government registration #153


(As of December 14, 2024)

President & Representative Director Masahiko Koketsu Overall Company Management
Executive Managing Director Takumi Naito Investment Sales
Director Eiji Watanabe Asset Management
Director Hiroaki Fujii Administration
Corporate Auditor Akihiro Yamazaki