Working With Communities
Participation in Community Events
Ichigo actively participates in community activities such as festivals, street cleaning, and neighborhood watches, developing relationships with the local communities where our assets are located.
Summer Festival
Street Cleaning
Neighborhood Watch
Snow Shoveling
Disaster Relief/Disaster Prevention Agreement
In the event of a natural disaster, Ichigo will work with property and building management companies to ensure the safety of the assets it owns or manages as well as the safety of its tenants and the surrounding communities.
On Site Emergency Safety Measures & Delivery of Essential Goods
Ichigo's management and technical support teams were on site shortly after the Kumamoto earthquake in order to support emergency safety measures and delivery of essential goods.
Disaster Prevention Agreement With Shima City
Ichigo’s Quintessa Hotel Ise Shima has been designated as an evacuation site in the event of a large-scale disaster to contribute to the safety of the local community based on an agreement that Ichigo Estate has entered into with Shima City, home to Quintessa Hotel Ise Shima, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, and Core Global Management.
Community Development via Businesses
The benefits of our Clean Energy business are measured not in years, but in decades. This is a business that cannot succeed without the understanding and support of the local community. In building our power plants, Ichigo works with local companies and promotes local communities. Ichigo also contributes to the environmental education of children by making some of our plants accessible to visitors to promote a broader understanding of renewable energy.